Mill Meadows Online News - January-March 2002
should have by now received the latest edition of the newsletter. Articles
include Frances Adams final report for the year 2001; a summary of the talk on
“ The Flora of Langdon Hills Ridge”, an article on Dormice by Countryside
Ranger Liz Appleton, and Liz’s report on work carried out on the reserve.
of you who have braved the boggy condition to visit the reserve over the winter
cannot have failed to see the areas of scrub clearance in Butchers and
BrickField. It is amazing how large an area can be cleared in a short time with
the right equipment. Work planned for the early part of this year includes
further scrub clearance in Hurlocks.
Parties: 10th
March. Spring-cleaning of Dormouse boxes around the reserve. Meet at the scout
hut in Greens Farm Lane at 10am.
Meeting: Thursday
7th March 2002 at 8pm An illustrated talk by PHIL SHAW on FOXES at
The Friends Meeting House, corner of London Road / School Road